Trace it:
From Farm to Fashion
TraceBale software is an innovative digital traceability platform from CottonConnect that supports creating a robust, resilient, and transparent cotton raw material supply chain in the textile sector.
Farmers Registered
T-Shirt Equivalent Volume Mapped
Retailers on Board
> 1,250,000
MTS of Sustainable Cotton Processed
What Makes TraceBale Unique?
For over a decade, we have been working with brands and retailers to help them address the challenges of complex, remote supply and to map their supply chains effectively at each stage, from farm to finished product, ensuring complete transparency and traceability. TraceBale is the culmination of extensive work in the sector to understand the challenges in the complex textile supply chain and achieve digital traceability that enables retailers to trace a garment back to its origin.
Bottom-Up Approach
TraceBale is based on a ‘bottom-up’ approach of data gathering and provides comprehensive visibility into the entire cotton journey, from farm group to finished product, which includes tracking the often challenging last leg of the journey.
Trace the Origin
By giving visibility to processors involved at each stage, TraceBale empowers brands to trace the origin of their products. Retailers can now track and verify the source of the raw material and the complete journey of the product in the complex supply chain, enhancing authenticity, transparency and accountability.
Unique Hybrid Traceability Model - Digital and Physical
An integrated digital and physical traceability material platform is an optimum traceability solution for a textile supply chain. TraceBale enables brands to trace their product digitally through data and physically through DNA markers across the complete supply chain. Brands can tackle challenges such as providing evidence of circularity and meeting stringent regulations to prove sustainable claims and their other supply chain traceability requirements through TraceBale.
Supply Chain Data Analytics
By giving visibility to processors involved at each stage, TraceBale provides real-time data analytics and visualization support to brands in making insight-driven, timely business decisions and making the supply chain more efficient